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The expressiveness of video with the convenience of messaging. Communicate more effectively wherever you work with Loom.

Get Loom for Free
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Sending a Loom is more efficient than typing long emails or spending your day in meetings having conversations that don’t need to happen in real-time.

You talk up to 6 times faster than you type

With Loom, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share your video in less time than it would take to type an email.
💡Fun Fact
Did you know you remember 95% of a message when it's watched vs. only 10% of what you read? Try it.

You could be working instead of in meetings

Start clearing your calendar of unnecessary meetings — sending a Loom is as effective as being in the same room.
We spend up to 32 hours in unproductive meetings per month. That’s almost a whole week of work! 😱

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Fast Recording

Easily record your screen or a specific app, with or without your camera.

Instant Sharing

Hit stop, and a link is automatically copied to your clipboard to share.

Easy Editing

Trim your videos, add calls-to-action and custom thumbnails.

Rich Reactions

Viewers can express themselves and react to your video with emoji and comments.


Controlled Viewing

Require a password or make your video viewable only to specific email addresses.

Now in Beta

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Bring your whole team together on one subscription to communicate with video.

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Easily record your screen or a specific app, with or without your camera.
Hit stop, and a link is automatically copied to your clipboard to share.
Trim your videos, add calls-to-action and custom thumbnails.
Viewers can express themselves and react to your video with emoji and comments.
Require a password or make your video viewable only to specific email addresses.
Get Loom for Free
For Mac, Windows, and iOS

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Fast Recording

Easily record your screen or a specific app, with or without your camera.


Instant Sharing

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Easy Editing

Trim your videos, add calls-to-action and custom thumbnails.


Rich Reactions

Viewers can express themselves and react to your video with emoji and comments.

Controlled Viewing

Require a password or make your video viewable only to specific email addresses.


ins 里的story在哪

Video conveys emotion and tone of voice that text simply can’t, empowering you to build strong relationships even when you’re across the globe.

ins 里的story在哪

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Shoutout to @loom for building a beautiful, simple and reliable screen recording tool. We use it every day internally and with customers. Great example of "less is more" in product design.

Carrie Melissa Jones

I just sent a @loom video to an undergrad student in my online course, and they immediately responded "that's the coolest thing I've ever seen." 💁


Honorable mention to Loom - love taking quick videos of bugs, build issues, quick demos of a feature being completed for the team. Completely async. You don’t have to record yourself.

I didn’t think I’d use it but a contractor showed me how useful it could be.

Matt Durr

Whoah. I've had ios翻强软件 installed for at least a month and -finally- tried it out for a client demo video today.


Kicking myself for not trying it sooner. 😅


I LOVE @loom its the fastest way to communicate something asynchronously, we use for training vids, sales quick explainer, to reproduce bugs, teach each other etc..


I don't think I could survive working with my clients without
@loom. I avoid so many unnecessary conference calls and client's can refer back to videos for training and process documentation later on. #lifesaver

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Get Loom for Free
For Mac, Windows, and iOS